Nutcracker Rehearsal & Performance Info
Cast members should check this page for all current information

Performance opportunities are for dancers in Ballet 1A and higher. MBC welcomes any full-time enrolled ballet student to participate in the performance. To be part of the cast dancers must complete a Nutcracker Performance Agreement. Dancer cast in the production will pay a $35 performance fee that will help with the cost of rehearsal staff, and altering, maintaining and cleaning the costumes used by the dancers.
Casting is always done by the Director and is final. Casting is typically double cast. Dancers that have been cast are expected to attend rehearsals and costume fittings that are in addition to their scheduled class times. Dancers and parents should take that into consideration before signing up to participate.
Dancers that miss rehearsals may be removed from the performance. Dancers that miss their FIRST rehearsal are more likely to be removed from a part as that is when choreography is being set. Rehearsal schedules are posted below so you have the dates well in advance.
There are many backstage opportunities for parents at all these performances. Each family is required to sign up for a minimum of one volunteer opportunity in order for the dancer to participate. Only parents that have signed up for a backstage duty will be allowed backstage.
Important Dates
Performances of The Nutcracker will be at MSU – Ted Paul Theatre and will be set up as follows:
Cast 1: Thursday, December 12th at 7pm and Saturday, December 14th at 1pm and 5pm
Cast 2: Friday, December 13th at 7pm and Sunday, December 15th at 1pm and 5pm
It is possible for the show to be triple cast depending on how many dancers apply. Dancers will find out which cast they are in when casting comes out. NO REQUESTS to be part of a specific cast will be entertained.
Important Forms and Performance Info
Nutcracker Performance Agreement – Deadline Closed
Nutcracker Rehearsal Schedule CLICK HERE
Nutcracker Cast List CLICK HERE
Nutcracker Shirt Order Form CLICK HERE
Nutcracker Digital Download Order Form CLICK HERE
Nutcracker Performance Info Packet CLICK HERE
Recital & Performance Information
MBC students should check this page for current recital information
Dancer’s Corner – ROBIN Performance Info
CLICK HERE to view the class themes and assigned performance days
CLICK HERE for full recital info packet
CLICK HERE to order your recital T-Shirt or Sweatshirt
CLICK HERE to purchase digital class recital picture
CLICK HERE to purchase a performance video digital download
CLICK HERE to view a video on how to do a bun for short hair
CLICK HERE to view a video on how to do a bun for long hair
CLICK HERE to view a video on how to do a bun for curly hair